
1985年7月17日 新潟県新潟市生まれ

2007年 東京モード学園 ヘアメイクアップアーティスト学科卒業
    資生堂販売株式会社 入社
2010年 株式会社ワールドブライダル入社 ウエディングプランナー、ヘアメイクとして活動
2013年 泉 雅人氏に師事
2014年 撮影グループ「Aradia」に参加、作品展「THREE CREATOR’S EXHIBITION」を開催
ヘアメイクレッスンイベント「Enjoy yourself」を開催
2015年 7月よりベースを英国 ロンドンに移す
2018年 帰国後、東京にて活動を開始

CAKE-mag web magazineSpiral web magazineZeum web magazineTEETH MAG web magazine、CANDID Magazine、家庭画報等
2017「blanket of love」メインヘアメイク

スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 21.31.41

Aki Miyanishi is a hair and make up artist from Niigata, Japan, based in London, UK.

After graduating from Tokyo Mode Gakuen Technical College in Hair and Make up, Aki worked at a cosmetics company for 5 years where she developed make up and skin care skills, working with a broad variety of ages and skin types.

Following on from this experience, Aki took on a role at a Wedding Planning company, in which she continued to work as a hair and make up artist, but also became involved in the planning and organization of the weddings themselves.

With three years in the wedding planning Industry under her belt, and now significant experience practicing hair and make up, She made the transition to freelance hair and make up artist.

Before beginning this in earnest, and in order to bolster her skill-set, She started working as an apprentice under the artist, Masato Izumi, a hair and make up artist with extensive experience ranging from TV to magazines and other media.

Aki’s first independent venture was holding an exhibition in collaboration with model, LUNA, and photographer, hiro at the Three Creators exhibition in Tokyo.

She now works in London providing hair and make up services for a wide variety of applications. Projects on which she has already worked on here include work for:
・Hair and beauty salons
・Concerts and other live events
・Health and fitness clubs
・Model agencies